60 hrs

Addressed to Persones individuals


Do you know what a superorganism is? Do you know that as a society we are one?

Self-organizing and collaborative superorganisms know how to harness collective intelligence to coalesce effortlessly to solve today’s biggest challenges.

You, and your community or organization, can do that too!

Discover everything we can learn from natural intelligence in this new Social Biomimetics course from the Balkar.Earth Institute, where leading experts in the field will explain how natural processes can be applied at a social and community level.

If you work with communities, as a teacher, as a CEO of a bio-inspired organization or a sustainability practitioner, this course in social biomimicry will radically change your view on organizational management, network-building, and collective action.

What can we learn by looking at and creating connections with nature?

This specialization course in Social Biomimetics proposes seeing and learning from life to transform our current degenerative value system into a regenerative value system.

Spanish version / English version .


The original language of the training will be English with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

Certified by the Balkar.Earth Institute, a certificate will be awarded upon completion of the course.

For any questions or information, contact info@balkar.earth

Objectives of the course

  • To train the community of our territory in bio-inspired social design, from a regenerative perspective.
  • Observe from consciousness, the operation of the principles, strategies and patterns of natural systems to apply them to the challenges of the processes of individual and collective social systems.
  • Evolve the complexity of our communities towards bioregional resilience.

Selection criteria

Training open to all people interested in learning about natural processes to be applied at a social and community level. Participants will obtain a Balkar.Earth certificate upon completion of the specialization in Social Biomimetics.


Start of course: FEBRUARY 2025 / End of course: JUNE 2025

60-hour training itinerary; 30 hours of live virtual teaching sessions with all participants via the Zoom platform. And approximately 30 hours of personal dedication during the course. The course is presented with five modules, each led by a trainer and containing three sessions of two hours each.

Course structure and contents:

  • Module I: The Teeming Transformation, with Tamsin Woolley-Barker : 13, 20 and 27 February 2025 from 5 to 7pm (CET).
  • Module II: Planta Sapiens: The New Science of Plant Intelligence, with Paco Calvo: March 13 and 20, 2025 from 5 to 8pm (CET).
  • Module III: Reconnection with Nature, a journey inward, with Melina Àngel : March 27, April 3 and 10, 2025 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. (CET).
  • Module IV: Nature for Social Innovation, with Toby Herzlich and Gina LaMotte (Biomimicry for Social Innovation) : April 24, May 8 and 15, 2025 from 5 to 7 PM (CET).
  • Module V: Natural Intelligence, with Leen Gorissen : 5, 12 and 19 June 2025 from 5 to 7pm (CET).
  • Final closing session with participants: June 26, 2025 from 5 to 6pm (CET).






1- Payment by bank card following the button below.

2- Bank deposit into the current account (ES84 3058 1605 0127 2000 7963), once done send an email informing of the payment to info@balkar.earth We offer the possibility of making the payment in 3 installments (to request it you must write to info@resilience.earth).

This is a training that is subsidized by FUNDAE to which workers from Spanish companies can adhere, here you can find more information .

Check the scholarship options at info@balkar.earth


Gina LaMotte

Gina LaMotte is a social entrepreneur, systems thinker and creative dedicated to the vision of a prosperous, just and regenerative future. With more than 20 years of experience working at the intersection of K-12 education, social innovation, and sustainability, he has extensive experience in business strategy, cross-sector partnerships, and fundraising. In 2008, he founded EcoRise , a nonprofit organization that supports thousands of K-12 schools with programs that promote climate action, youth leadership, sustainability, and environmental justice. He also created Gen:Thrive, a national initiative integrating biomimetic strategies, which provides data visualization tools to advance health, equity, and climate resilience in K-12 schools.

Toby Herzlich

Toby Herzlich is committed to creating a just, healthy and regenerative society, acting as a cross-pollinator among leaders working on social equity, regeneration, systems change and climate solutions. With more than 30 years of facilitation experience, she is an internationally recognized trainer, organizational consultant and executive coach. She is the founder of Biomimicry for Social Innovation and a teacher of Living Systems Leadership, a senior trainer at the Rockwookd Leadership Institute, a certified specialist in biomimicry, a consultant to The Sierra Club and others, and a key teacher in the Biomimicry 3.8 professional certification program.

Paco Calvo

Paco Calvo is a renowned cognitive scientist and philosopher of biology, known for his innovative research in the field of plant cognition and intelligence. He is a professor at the University of Murcia in Spain, where he directs the Minimal Intelligence Lab (MINT Lab) , focused on the study of minimal cognition in plants. Author of Planta Sapiens unmasking plant intellingence. Calvo's interdisciplinary work combines insights from biology, philosophy, and cognitive science to explore the fascinating world of plant behavior, decision making, and problem solving. By investigating the complex interactions and adaptive responses displayed by plants, Paco Calvo has significantly contributed to our understanding of cognition beyond the animal kingdom, challenging conventional perspectives on intelligence and mental abilities. Photo credits: Lina Botero/FILBo 2024.

Tamsin Woolley-Barker

Tamsin Woolley-Barker is an evolutionary biologist known for her original research on the organization and social evolution of baboons. She is a pioneer in the field of biomimetics, an innovation inspired by nature. She is the author of the bestseller TEEMING: How Nature's Oldest Teams Adapt and Thrive

Lee Gorissen

Ph.D. in Biology and founder of Centre4NI , specialized in ecology, transition sciences, regenerative design and bio-inspired innovation. She is the author of the book 'Building the Future of Innovation, on millions of eras of Natural Intelligence' (2020) and founder of Centre4NI, a project that helps organizations and companies to innovate as nature does. She is an evaluator of innovation projects for the European Commission, a thought leader on Natural Intelligence, a practitioner of regenerative design and a facilitator of business innovation processes.

Melina Angel

Melina Angel va iniciar la seva trajectòria professional en biologia teòrica i evolutiva amb una visió sistèmica i cognitiva dels sistemes vius a la UNal. Amb un mestratge en biomímesi de la Universitat d'Arizona, ha estat aplicant la saviesa de la naturalesa a la regeneració i evolució en diferents escales de sistemes humans, des d'individus fins a comunitats i organitzacions. És traductora de biosfera i coautora de biosistèmica, líder de Colòmbia Regenerativa i la Xarxa Global de Comunitats Regeneratives. És professora de biomímesi per a sistemes socials a la Universitat per a la Cooperació Internacional de Costa Rica i és consultora en regeneració a nivell mundial.


Resilience Earth

Resilience Earth és una cooperativa que assessora i acompanya organitzacions, administracions públiques i persones en la gestió del canvi a través de processos participatius. Aposta per la resiliència comunitària, el disseny regeneratiu i l’economia social i solidària com a eines fonamentals per a la transformació social, ecològica i econòmica.


Òscar Gussinyer

Desenvolupament regeneratiu i anàlisi sistèmic.

Assessor, investigador i facilitador en disseny sistèmic, governança i desenvolupament regeneratiu, resiliència territorial i comunitària, facilitació cocreativa.

Soci i co-fundador de Resilience Earth.



MAKE THE PAYMENT WITH A BANK CARD BY CLICKING HERE or make a DEPOSIT TO THE CURRENT ACCOUNT (ES84 3058 1605 0127 2000 7963), once done send an email informing of the payment to info@balkar.earthRemember that you have the possibility of making the payment in installments (to request it you must write to info@resilience.earth) If you need an invoice, send the company details to info@resilience.earth once the payment has been made and we will send you the invoice.